Friday, February 16, 2007

Speed limits

Where I work we use a fairly significant number of small microcontrollers from Microchip called PICs. Or chief workhorse is the PIC18F452 which is basically the successor to one of the most indestructible processors of all time the PIC16C877. There is actually a story from when I was in the school's solar car team; one team member had installed a PIC backwards in the socket and didn't realize it until he saw the die through the window (EPROM parts use UV to erase) glowing red. He promptly powered the device down waited a few moments and returned the PIC to the proper orientation and powered it on again, without any problems.

Now back to the topic at hand. Given that we use so many of the new part its nice to have new projects also use it for simplicity’s sake. The main issue is its been a while since Microchip last did a die shrink limiting the top end to 40MHz crystal (10MHz instruction cycle time), which is great for most tasks, but is starting to be a bit slow in this day and age.

I'm currently working on a device that is to emulate the satelite crash sensors on several different automobiles. The most recent generation of parts are using a new protocol that is significantly faster than their predecessors did. This protocol is a balanced 200kbaud pwm synchronous voltage transmit, current receive system.

The current signaling isn't difficult for it is simple level based, however the master does transmit as a pwm voltage signal. The bit time is 5 uSec and the PIC instruction time is 0.1 uSec. That means for each bit the PIC only has 50 cycles to measure the signal and determine what the bit is (a 1 or 0) and decide what the next bit to transmit is.

Sound intense? The interframe time is 4 bit times or 20 uSec which correlates to 200 cycles in which the PIC has to determine the next message to transmit having received and decided what the previous one was.

Basically after a fairly tech heavy post it really boils down to that sometimes you don't need a processor with a lot of bells and whistles, you just need it to move fast. Unfortunately there isn't much between the world of PICs and the worlds of DSPs, so when you work in that nether region in between you have situations where neither is ideal.

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thursday Linkfest

Shipping take 2

So as I have previously mentioned DHL isn't the best of shippers. Now I have a new shipper to add to the list of people that don't threaten UPS. That is FedEx Ground.

I have discovered that FedEx Ground and FedEx are virtually different companies that use the same phone numbers and logos. I might post more detail in the future but the major part of the issue is their customer service (thankfully American, but most obviously from where FedEx is headquartered) is really really bad.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bored at Work

So one of the major problems with coding is that if you have more than about a half a dozen brain cells at some point one of them will revolt and go out and get donuts and coffee and totally distract the rest of them. And then a conversation will commence...

Are we talking about office workers or brain cells?

Anyway here's the thought, with the costs falling so rapidly I think it would actually be possible to put together a small FPGA board together to act as a small virtual PC with only ethernet and SATA peripherals (this whole train of thought stems from attempting to find PCI sata cards, many are simply 2 ports or else rediculously expensive). Of course designing the hardware is one thing, adapting software is another. The beauty of course of using an FPGA is a great deal of IP is freely available from companies like Altera.

Of course the task would likely be rediculous hard and I won't think about this again but here's the list of major milestones that would need to be accomplished.

a) build hardware (hahaha... easier said than done)
b) adapt gcc to be aware of whatever soft core used in the fpga. If done correctly this should be a non issue (for example the NIOS development kit already comes with a c compiler)
c) adapt a micro core of a well known and supported OS (good parts of this are already done in different fashions in the RTOSes)

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Invent Me

Okay google here we go. I want you to build in wikipedia linking. Thats right! Make it so when I do [[Magic Link]] it'll make the correct wikipedia link. That would just be cool.

I wonder... has anybody used the wiki software pack as a blogging medium? I know you'd have to change some things about it, namely post security of some sort.


Lazy Taser

I will start with saying that the very first axiom I believe is true in today's society is that people are lazy. I think fundamentally, regardless of how driven a person is, they are still lazy. Even with fatastic goals and years of endless pursuit of it... they are still lazy.

Now what happens when you give police tasers with virtual immunity from disciplinary action resulting from their use?

Remember people are lazy.

Now I don't know the particulars of the case but I want to see the video behind this story

Basically it boils down to this. A kid (though not a student of the university) decides to skate down (some very nice for boarding) paths on the college campus in the middle of town. Given there are signs posted against all formed of wheeled transport on those (10' wide) paths, the campus police (actual police), approach the dude and through some chain of events the two of them end up tasering him. And being this is done in front of several hundread college students it ends up on "tape" by a cell phone, of which the user promptly youtubes (possibly on the spot via the cell phone).

I'm not arguing that they weren't justified in issuing a misdemeanor ticket (the sum total of what he ended up getting) but using a taser I feel is a result of lazyness moreso than need.

Issuing police the taser is asking for abuse.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Google Finishes Something

I noticed this afternoon that Google had finally decided to take something out of beta. You might remember my diatribe about unfinished software that stayed beta in perpetuality.


Some Home Network Topography

Here is a quick diagram I drew up of the network items and basic topography of what I'm attempting to do. Nothing majorly exciting, the only flaw I see in it is having the NAS/BOOTP server sitting between two networks.

One item I didn't mention is I'm using a Netgear FVX538 which I got for an absolutely phenominal deal (factory refurbished). It replaces my FVS318 that previously had served all my needs extremely well. I am very excited about this new router however, its feature list coupled with a web interface that works very well make it a dream to configure and use. I especially like the bandwidth monitoring and shaping tools I have available to me (bit torrent ruining your browsing? No more!).

Ironically I don't actually have a laptop, its just there for um... completeness.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Snow days

Indiana DOT truck driver: WTF? Why the hell is there a giant hunk o' metal on my damn truck?
Indiana DOT worker: Its a snow plow.
Indiana DOT truck driver: What's it fer?


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