Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Things are heating up in the job world

So if you need a job now is the time to start calling people up.

At least thats what I'm judging by the fact that I've been getting about 5 emails a day from recruiters on a resume that hasn't been updated for a year and that IS NOT on any job sites. They're pulling it out of previously downloaded batches.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

DRM on NGen DVDs

So by now most people know that two formats for next generation DVDs are on the way. HD-DVD is already available with players and some movies being released. The showing thus far isn't all that impressive as one would expect. HD-DVD does have the support of Microsoft, Paramount and others. HD-DVD does use the new AACS system.

The other is of course Blu-Ray developed by sony with a huge list of backers. To get Fox Movie studies to side with the Blu-Ray format the consortium working on Blu-Ray added two additional layers of DRM. These are:

ROM-Mark: A digital watermarking scheme that will embed a cryptographic key in the data stream being read by the player that matches information on the disc. Thus in the eyes of the movie studio preventing pirates from recording movies in theaters and burning them to BluRay DVDs to sell. My question is how are users expected to use Blu-Ray to create home movies?

BD+: This one is the major sneaky and dangerous part of Blu-Ray. In short the DVD player can download new cryptographic schemes from discs if the studios believe a certain player has been compromised. This means that the cryptographic scheme can always remain fresh. On internet connected Blu-Ray players (read PC, PS3, and future IPTV players) the consortium can push new schemes across that way.

While the Rom-mark will likely be a headache for some people I don't think it would take all that much time for somebody to figure out a solution for it. This is especially true depending on how much flexability there is in the BD+ technology. Blu-Ray for this reason even earned the rating of "Anti-consumer" by Bill Gates.

I'm just wondering how long it will take before people figure out how to use BD+ to their advantage. Such as updating players (or hacking the PS3) with their own system that removes DRM completely from players.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Cube Pacing


My cube is in the far back and yet it has more traffic behind it then the front cube. Why?

Cause the boss offices are the other end. Its so freaking retarded and is virtually impossible to do any work. Especially when my monitor shakes like mad every time somebody walks by.

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Today I learned...

That one can fit a Potiac Sunbird, in its entirety, in the blind spot dirrectly behind me.

You know the blind spot normally exclussively reserved for running over little kids in the drive-way? Now the question is... how did I learn this?

Well on my way to work today I was cruisin' along at my normal speed I set on the interstate (somewhere between 70-75, the limit varries between 65-70) passing a semi. I check my mirrors make sure nobody is in the way, check my "normal" blind spot for the lane I'm going into and I move over. Its at that point I notice that there was a car sucking on my tailpipe.

Very disturbing. Especially if for some reason if I had to break for anything...

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Friday, May 05, 2006

Bad Credit cards

Anybody that uses an American Express card is a moron.

The company sucks and should go out of business.

I had troubles with them years ago so I canceled my card with them. My corporate card is through them now and I'm having EXACTLY THE SAME TROUBLES.

When will they ever learn?
