So the shortest path between downstairs and my cube happens to be through accounting. And by shorter I mean a good minute of walking shorter.
Anyway lunch time is always somewhat interesting... accounting is mostly women, ranging in ages between mid 20s and somewhere around 90. Then on top of that they're both penny pinchers and health concious and always bring lunch in. This makes for some very interesting smells when you walk through.
Today was steamed ass with a hint of brussels sprouts.
I have yet to walk by when there wasn't a smell somewhere in the range between foul and stomach turning. Luckily my cube is firmly situated next to purchasing where the average BMI is probably something pretty rediculous. It smells very good here.
Anyway lunch time is always somewhat interesting... accounting is mostly women, ranging in ages between mid 20s and somewhere around 90. Then on top of that they're both penny pinchers and health concious and always bring lunch in. This makes for some very interesting smells when you walk through.
Today was steamed ass with a hint of brussels sprouts.
I have yet to walk by when there wasn't a smell somewhere in the range between foul and stomach turning. Luckily my cube is firmly situated next to purchasing where the average BMI is probably something pretty rediculous. It smells very good here.