Friday, April 23, 2004

Hurah! for the dumb liberal media

So while a woman and her husband getting fired for publishing photos taken against federal law and company policy ran as a top story with even more photos from a website under the "freedom of information act" I propose the follow up to it should read "CNN, AP, Washington Post and other liberal sources made another blunder in their overzealous quest vilify the current administration"

The photos weren't of any military personnel, they were in fact the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia.

I dare you to try to find a correction or retraction from any new sources that published anything to do with the "US Military Servicemen Casket Photos". In fact the original site to post the photos has not even made a whisper alluding to the fact they are not "Casualties from Iraq"

I agree with the policy of not releasing photos quite strongly because I believe the families of those lost still have a right to say whether or not a photo containing their loved one, in any form, is to be released.


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