Friday, April 16, 2004

Ow! my TESTis!

So the utter lack of testing finally came up and bit us in the ass again. Not to my surprise except for the fact that the problem landed on my plate. Simply because I helped replace an expensive component with a lesser expensive one (to the tune of $30k a year) and I demanded the ability to test it. So 2 months later I have the ability to test it, and guess what? It doesn't work.

And to add insult to injury I have to stop the production of this item because, well to put it simply, it doesn't work.

All because it wasn't tested. I'm getting fed up with the whole process of rush rush rush, don't test, rush rush, don't test, Nothing works! Its happening on everything and I literally have half a dozen boards on my desk that have gone through this process and are just siting there waiting to be tested and yet they want to put them into production because they are siting on my desk.

So yah I feel like my balls are in a vise.


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