Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Sometimes I wonder about people's convictions and beliefs. I know I seem wishy washy from time to time and seem to be, according to a friend, bi-polar (but on a monthly basis). But what I am talking about are those deep rooted feelings and beliefs. Like if I asked the question: "What is it that you will absolutely accomplish in your life, what lasting effect are you to have?" There are few that I have met that are actually able to answer that question. I view that its important because it goes back to a previous rhetorical question I asked: If you don't plan on changing the world then what good is an opinion? Or its corollary: Why have an opinion if you don't plan on making a difference? Honestly I ask things because isn't it a waste of time and energy ranting about things out of your control? There is entirely too much anger and frustration emitted from people that have no plans to actually ever do anything about their anger or frustration.


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