Tuesday, October 28, 2003

You know I should try to not think about how stupid people are but sometimes its hard not too. This is especially true when people can't help but bring up the news. This is probably the largest pet peeve I have: Bringing up any news item that is top story, front page news. More than likely I already know about, chances are I probably knew about it when it first happened, and if it is of interest probably already did some research on it. Anyways the California wild fires. Yah I'm sorry people have lost their homes. But here's the deal, in southern California there is a law (that comes with pretty heavy fines) that says that you must clear all flammable brush from your property prior to fire season. This hasn't been done because the people living in these areas are those semi-rich folks that like their houses in the hills overlooking the canyons (which are great for moving fires) and don't get out of their air-conditioned splendor during the summer to mow down and thin the brush they are supposed to. Of course then their houses fuel the flames and then the fire moves into more populated areas. Its my opinion that if a property owner didn't manage their land the way they were supposed to do to prevent these sorts of disasters then they should not be eligible for federal aid, nor should be treated the same by insurance companies when it comes time for the payouts. Of course the government probably is to blame as well for not maintaining the fire breaks due to "looking ugly" (yah this goes back to the stupid people thing, if you can't understand the functionality of something and it looks ugly then protest and have it removed and look what happens) and because of the "budget crisis" that California has been facing. As for the search for an arsonist? Yah, I hope that makes people feel better since they found the "one" (at this point in time I recommend viewing the movie Arlington Road) . But I feel that's fairly stupid since at this time of year a glass bottle will ignite the brush in a couple of hours in the midday sun.


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