Friday, April 30, 2004

And the truth will set you free.

The CEO of Quest Communications Dick Notebaert has come out and in a truly amazing turn of events has told the rest of his industry that it "has to accept the fact that we are a commodity," but at the same time recognize that "commodity is not a bad word."

Why? Because Quest is the smallest of the baby bells, and while the others like BellSouth and SBC are blowing their profits in legal battles with the government that in the end will only be futile (anybody remember AT&T and GTE when they tried it?), Quest can already be negotiating deals and grabbing customers and networks when people get utterly fed up and start jumping off the sinking ship.

Not abusing the customer is not a new idea, in fact you've probably been hearing about "Do No Evil" which is one of Page and Brin's company mottos. Hopefully a new wave of honest hardworking CEOs is on its way.


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