Saturday, June 21, 2003

Okay so a little movie review...The Hulk. I won't disguise the fact that I liked it. The movie never lost its focus or purpose and the dead spot in the middle of movies that are all too common. I have to commend the special effects group, the hulk, while looking a little cartoony in the previews, was very realistic, especially in extremely close scenes, the amount of emotion that they were able to relay through the hulks face was increadble. The film editing itself was also very cool, the use of frames and camera angles remind me exactly of looking a comic book page and letting your imagination go. Ang Lee didn't try to pretend the roots of the movie are in a comic book and was more than willing to remind at any chance he had. The results are amazing, action scenes which sometimes get dull in most movies became enlivend by this technique. I don't know if anybody else can pull it off but I wouldn't be surprised if others will try to mimic it. I don't know what the budget was but I doubt it was larger than the Matrix Reloaded but the special effects in The Hulk blended much better with the film. So I guess this gives Marvel yet another box-office win. (what is it now?.. seven?)


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