Thursday, January 23, 2003

okay so today sucks...but in its suckage I found I can still make others laugh :) so lets see how should I begin....

So here's my top 10 list:
10 Its freaking cold!...when I get in a building I don't expect to chip ice off my ears.
9 Its so freaking cold that my truck won't start (even tried to jump start it)
8 Its so damn freaking cold that the fuel line in my bug is frozen shut
7 Dr. Doering is an idiot.
6 Can you say philosophy test without reading the material?...okay so I kinda read the material...lets hope this grasshopper knows the BS well :)
5 The top button on my coat fell off!
4 Dinner sucked again...not even a good dessert
3 They're starting construction on the new new hall (when are the rename the old new hall so we don't have to do this?)
2 Which means they're cutting about half the parking out of the parking lot...I already can never find a spot with my truck
1 Senior Design

It apears that I am loosing weight again.... joy...and I just bought three new pair of pants


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