Saturday, November 30, 2002

Wow I guess I haven't writen in quite a long time again...A lot, and do I mean a LOT, has happened since the opera night... I'm not even going to go into it. But lets recap the break, this has been pretty interesting in and of itself.

I take a final the first day of finals, but wake up 15 minutes late when Dr. Grigg calls my room and asks if I was planing on taking a final. I finish up after two hours... first person out of there. So who knows how well I actually did... Then I worked that tuesday, and set up an interview with Braun for that wednesday, so come that wednesday of finals week I drive 3 hours to winamac, meet some people, interview and all that jazz. Then I drove to rensselaer to visit Sara, my very special someone ;) and then back to terre haute (I think it was 3am I got back?). Thursday and friday were boring, just watching the regen unit at work get installed and do misc. instrumentation work. The following Mon-Wed (25-28) were pretty hectic, a lot of work prior to McCleer's visit, then the whole day of trying to get the unit to work ending when we fried the interface board on our main VFD, and the day after fixing everything and trying to figure out the plan for the days after thanksgiving break. And then thanksgiving, now talk about a break, thursday through saturday spent at Sara's house. And it snowed, I like snow, snow is fun and pretty.


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