Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Things of Late

So I've been working on and it's gradually turning into something. I got moveabletype installed on it today, now I just have to modify the blog to my liking.

*There was an interlude during the writing of this blog post that involved me going to the gas station because my keyboard ran out of batteries*
(Wireless is good for some things... I'm starting to wonder about its use in computer peripherals)

Anyhow, I also had to move over from where it was pointing for the couple years because my registrar for it had locked it to keep it from getting transferred fraudently. Thankfully, illegal domain transfer happen far less frequently than when they first deregulated the process. But all I had to do was send them an email. Pretty simple really. Just unexpected in my mind, since I was thinking of how much information they should have been asking me for.

A friend has also asked me to host their domain on my server. Thats right Kim, send me an email so I can do the nitty gritty details. See movabletype works!



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