Wednesday, June 09, 2004


So today is Wednesday, halfway done for this week. Not that is any consolation to me, since we have the stupid wellness stuff going on (maybe I'll elaborate, maybe not). But one of the things that has really begun to get on my nerves are these "Time sheets". See while we're paid hourly and must still clock in, engineering has these printouts from MS Project that we must log our hours on.

Well there are several problems with this. I work on so many different projects in one day I can't keep track of which 5 minute block of time I spent where, so I just guessimate the number of hours on some random project and put it there. This is the most common method of filling out these timesheets. The second problem is that the project actually in MS Project is a total abomination. Its a series of functional requirements and random misc tasks. There is no structure to it whatsoever and thus putting hours into anything is totally worthless because you still can't find out what you're supposed to be working on and where you're at.


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