Saturday, May 15, 2004


Okay so I seriously think I have a problem with one of the phases the power company has hooked up to my house since only a couple circuits from time to time stop working. However now my dryer doesn't work and the phase hasn't come back in several hours. So I guess I'll finally be getting my ass in gear and upgrading to 200A service this next week.

(Cause the breaker box looks awfull and instead of having them come see it I'll just have them disconnect, then I'll do all the wiring and when 'they hook it back up if I still have a phase missing then it means the problem is up at the transformer)


Turns out that the wires feeding my breaker pannel are like a hop and a jump away from totally coroding away and why the one phase is going out is because it is loose in the terminal block. Very uncool, so taking an insulated screwdriver to tighten things up just seemed to break off little bits of wire and shoot sparks everywhere....very very ummmmmm.... cool for a spectator, but I'm not a fan of sparks. So while I've been meaning to do it for a while, I could very well end up upgrading that monday.


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