Monday, January 19, 2004

First an article: Police agencies in K-9 quandary. So there is a lot of stuff that really doesn't matter for most of you, my dear readers. However may I bring you attention to a couple quotes from it: "For some people, a policeman (with a .45 pistol) is not intimidating. But they are more likely to comply (when the police officer has) a dog" and "But we had several incidents where people who arrest people were bitten by dogs"

Well lets see, maybe there is a connection between those two statements. A police officer will often hesitate before shooting your ass. A dog? It'll tear the flesh off your arm given the opportunity, and come back for more.

It is a well known fact that punishment needs to be swift and painful to be an effective deterrent. Will a dog loose its job because it liberated some blood and possibly skin, muscle and fat from a criminal? Of course not. Will a police officer get tried for use of excessive force if he beats that criminal into submission? Likely, especially if a tourist camera is involved.

Yes, something in this world is broke.


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