Okie dokie picture time (Updated: not to huge but a little big still approx. 100kB each):
Random water tower photo. Don't ask me why I felt like taking it
Dancing Girls! Wow! Rose has cheerleaders? And in record numbers this year.
Random Singing Folks. Sorry majorly blury. Oh my! Dr. Hudson is short!
New Artwork on campus. Fairly cool stainless steel flame. Sorry I was trying to get some lens flare, but since its a digital camera it didn't come out as I would have liked.
New artwork on campus. With people for size comparison.
My mailbox. AHHHHHH! What are those new shiny things!. Mailbox numbers over 2000! And they put them where the hallway used to be...Yay for another bottleneck between classes. I guess its lucky for my I don't go there anymore! :)
Bon Fire. Ooops I missed it, notice cinder block in the background for scaling. Yah it was really wimpy. I need to find a picture of both '01s and '03s fire and post for comparison purposes. Its such a bummer that we don't burn kreosote soaked railroad ties anymore
The Tank. Hrm.... it hasn't moved...but what are those blocks under the treads for?
"This one time at...". Random shot of the pep-band.
The Lake I never saw. Turns out there was yet another lake right next to campus that I never saw (and technically its a swamp).
The stream. I was bored.
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