Monday, September 29, 2003

Link Rip-off. My response: So? My first comment when I woke up that morning and my roommate (Briar C.) walked in and said somebody flew a plane into the world trade center and it collapsed was simply "Oh? I wonder what country we want to invade next is" (actually I think used the phrase: "f**k over for resources", but its the same idea).

The United States (since being the united states that is) has never gotten involved in the world without its own exacting intelligence prior to doing so. Therefore, I ask why would you think that we didn't let it happy? When have we not done something in our own political interest in anything at all? Name a single war that we have waged that was "legal" or "right." Of the top of my head the only war we've participated in that was justified would be the war of 1812. Think about all the others (I'll reserve comment on the revolutionary war...since in general its a very perspective oriented problem) say, the Civil War; Should states be able to succeed from a nation? (well of course they should, the country was founded on that idea). But the south had so many resources that the north so desperately needed to survive. And then you have any war during the manifest destiny era and the Pan-American push. And the others, like WWII? Korea? Vietnam? Desert Storm?

Simply put the United States is bred from a long pedigree of world dominating expansionist culture dating back to dawn of civilization. So get over it, since there is no changing it now, and you live the cushy life style you do because of it, if you want a stable non-expansionist culture go to India and be Hindu. Oh wait that would have only worked a couple hundred years ago.


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