Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Today's good and bad.

Good: Under the Bush administration the U.S. has rejoined the I.T.E.R negotiations.
Bad: It may be too late. Afterall before we can obtain nice sustainable fusion we'd be dependent on some source of hydrogen (currently the largest source is natural gas), the hydrogen extracted from that is then bombarded by neutrons from a regular fission reactor to make deuterium and tritium.

Good: Bush seems to have stopped his world domination scheme for the moment.
Bad: He hadn't gone far enough yet. The whole natural gas pipeline from the caspian sea to pakastan kinda fell through when texaco and bp pulled out. Oh, and we can't get enough oil out of iraq yet to destabilize Saudi Arabia. That is if the idea was to lower oil prices to get the U.S. economy back on its feet.

Good: Iran is building nuclear power plants to give their people "clean" energy.
Bad: a) It probably means they're running out of oil, and have been for a while, but don't want to admit it. b) it gives the U.S. an excuse (poor now after the iraq fiasco) yet again only to find out that yes, they don't have oil but lots of islamic militants that hate us now.

Good: There is a relatively oil-independent country.
Bad: It's China.

Good: China is reducing its standing army size.
Bad: Its new army is/will be designed on the U.S. model. With the best of both Russian (thanks to Russia's economic woes) and U.S. (thanks to Clinton) technology.

Good: Air pollution will probably become a thing of the past.
Bad: Its because we won't have anything to burn.


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