Tuesday, August 19, 2003

So a friend has posted comments on anothers blog about how republican's spend more money they democrats, especially looking at the bush administration vs to the clinton administration. So in reply here are my thoughts on the mater.

Companies are like little children, they will get away with anything they can, and like children they will follow the parent's lead. Do you think that a huge number of companies with cooked books during the clinton era and an administration that "recovered" from a budget deficit along with "huge" surpluses is really a coincidence? I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but it makes a lot of sense with how the world goes. Given the track record of the clinton administration, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of back scratching going on and companies taking loses so the government would look strong, so in turn they look strong, etc. Well its all fine and dandy until the world collapses like it did not to long ago.


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