Monday, January 09, 2006

First do no evil.

Those were the word of Google's credo. Now there is Google Pack.

Okay so the bundle isn't terrible.... but everything NORTON IS EVIL.

And RealPlayer honestly can be easily lived without. I have a Media Center PC that has never had it installed. Also while I personally love Trillian, and in all honestly never tried the purchasable version, I still suspect some underlying memory management problems with the software.

In fact ZDnet says it all.

Further thoughts on free internet software. I don't know what it is about Firefox but I need to see it play a little better with others. It seems like whenever I try to use it either a) crashes horribly or b) fails to render the page (okay that is probably Microsoft's fault). The crashing part of Firefox really bothers me. I use so many different computers and configurations I would like to see a web browser function on more than 50% of the non-freshly-wiped PCs.

Now if you wander over to Sourceforge there are a few gems I would like to see more mention. Such as The Gimp and Realterm.


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