Monday, July 19, 2004

Thoughts on the Matrix

Okay so not much on the Matrix but more on the main character as he was cast. If you could replace Keanu with anybody who would he be?

Background information regarding this question: This afternoon a co-worker and I were discussing the possibility of displaying information directly in the eyeball or on the optic nerve. And of course I thought about "information overload" from Johnny Mnemonic. And of course saying "you know one of those bad Keanu Reeves movies" didn't help remind anybody of the movie I was thinking of. Thus given the "only" (in quotes as that is the best consensus here at the moment) movie he has played in was the Matrix, thus the question of a replacement was born.

And I am thinking Ed Norton. I know at first it is kind of hard to wrap your brain around but think about movies like American History X or Fight Club.

Thoughts anyone?


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