Monday, August 04, 2003

Okay so I read something really strange and fairly disturbing: Episcopal Body Approves First Openly Gay Bishop. I will not go into the whole debate on whether homosexuality is immoral or whatnot, what gets to me is that is Christianity is fairly explicit in it being immoral, thus to waver on the point would hurt the reputation more then being anti-gay. A friend told me once that befriending those in sin, but not to befriend them to hell. If you believe in the bible, and believe it was written with divine influence, then you should adhere to what it says is right and wrong. This isn't a mater of what I think is right, or what anybody thinks is right, it’s about living in accordance with your beliefs. Hypocrisy is I believe worse then any sin in any belief system, to believe and willing go against your own beliefs is despicable. Actually it kind of reminds me a version of Faust (I don't know if it was Goethe's version or another) where at the end where Hades is about to take Faust's soul, God comes down and intercedes and says something along the lines of Faust having lived his life to the fullest and justly and therefore even though he had made a pact with the devil he didn't merit hell. In other words live life the way you believe (whatever beliefs they may be) is right and you'll be respected, and those who live a life differently then they believe will seal their own fate, and will have no respect from anybody.


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